
A latchkey kid? The dangers must’ve been everywhere!

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I'm beginning to think I'm lucky to have grown up as a free-range child during the '60s.

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I love your parents. They must drive you crazy -- in a good way. These lines are so funny!

What better exemplifies the spirit of Christmas than a rape whistle?

“Don’t try it in here,” Dad said, “or the dog's ears will bleed.”

She was like the Usain Bolt of fire-preparedness.

“You’d probably tear all the tendons in your body just looking at a pair of ice skates,”

You come out the other end with your bangs blown back, and your eyebrows singed, wondering where you were going in the first place

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That's so kind of you! Thank you!

They're the best! (When they read this they laughed and said, "That's funny--but you made us sound insane."

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You will have to explain the concept of hyperbole in family stories. Unless... maybe, like my own family. they really are insane

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The family fire ladder...I still remember when we got ours...what a rush of nostalgia. This was a fun read, thanks!

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Thanks so much Bryan! Glad it resonated. Did you do in-home fire drills too?

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Only in my mind. Which now seems weird.

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